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Who Wants The Old Chat Back
Go back to the old chat format (userplane)

yes 77% 77% ( 64 )
no 22% 22% ( 19 )

Total des votes : 83
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keyser get in touch with admin directly. You have a different problem I think.

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Message ut oh 
Keyser m8 ya done it now!!!!!!!!!!!! ya need to talk to the head master!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol jk m8 hope they fix ya up m8 tc ya punkin rockin pervin britin!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxx

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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Message pppfftttttt 
if u check your logs you will find out im in the lobby most times geeshhhhhhhh.... but hey god drop by and flash me some time lol :roll:

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Message token pommie 
Can i be the token pommie in the famous five......just to keep up with international relations :wink:

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Message re the smaller rooms 
just my opinion, but i dont think the smaller room will be heavily populated unless all rooms had a limit on them - very very few people are going to go into chat and go in a room where 10 people are when there is one with 80 odd and presumably a lot more action going on. this is especially the case when you cant see who is in the rooms before you go in them. I think people liked the smaller rooms when all the rooms were smaller as oppose to wanting just one smaller room.

Sometimes in the old chat 2 or 3 rooms might be full and busy, but sometimes a lobby 2 or se2 would just be a waiting room, with noone chatting, but just people sat there desperately clicking on one of the otehr full rooms when a space became available - I seem to remember that annoying the fuck out of everyone, but that annoyance and the lag, and the fact that userplane was hardly reliable in terms of its service seem to have been forgotten.

Lying is cheap, but honesty costs nothing
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Message each to there own 
ive just spend over 3 hrs in lobby.. had some great convos and some good laughs chatting to new and old chatters.... its what i prefer.... im afraid i feel real lost at times in a room full of very confident out going people... i maybe not shy to get naughty on cam but i am a person that shys away in a big crowd.. anyone that knows me from the old chat rooms will know ive always stayed around the lobby... and yes i do visit the big room and if its not too full im fine... anyway no lobby wasnt crowded but at times tonight there were 20 odd just having a look and a chat.... cya all around the rooms muahhhsssss

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Message Re: re the smaller rooms 
jamieuk a écrit:
just my opinion, but i dont think the smaller room will be heavily populated unless all rooms had a limit on them - very very few people are going to go into chat and go in a room where 10 people are when there is one with 80 odd and presumably a lot more action going on. this is especially the case when you cant see who is in the rooms before you go in them. I think people liked the smaller rooms when all the rooms were smaller as oppose to wanting just one smaller room.

Sometimes in the old chat 2 or 3 rooms might be full and busy, but sometimes a lobby 2 or se2 would just be a waiting room, with noone chatting, but just people sat there desperately clicking on one of the otehr full rooms when a space became available - I seem to remember that annoying the fuck out of everyone, but that annoyance and the lag, and the fact that userplane was hardly reliable in terms of its service seem to have been forgotten.

Yeah it's much more reliable now. Rolling Eyes

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Message OH NO!!! 
Night number 3 and i still can't get in .................what is a girl meant to do if she can't get her fix of Yuvutu ????????????
On a whole i think the site is USUALLY more reliable than the previous one and the fact that the problems are being worked on makes me think that we should hold tight for a little while longer and keep fingers and toes crossed that all the little issues are resolved ............but thats just my humble opinion xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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this sucks on this afternoon cant get on now cams need sorting out

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Message chat room 
i like the new rooms, but they are far from perfect, but at least you can actually,if eventually, get in them! i remember waiting for 30 mins just trying to get in a room, getting so pissed off i just didnt bother.
you could see your friends in the room but couldnt get in to chat, not everybody makes friends easily and thats why the other rooms created just became waiting rooms with no chat in them ( tried on several ocasions )
i think that what people really want is the best of both worlds, hopefully admin can ahieve this given a bit of time.

now who doesnt read forums lisa and sax lmao

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Martin m8, I'll be damned ya found the forum lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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For pointing out the short-term memory problems that appear to have afflicted users!

He is 100% right - they listened to the "don't want to be perved/too many people/room moves too quickly/too many trolls" arguments and created a small room just for them - which promptly never ever got used. Now people that didn't use the room are demanding that the 100 odd people that are in the new room enjoying themselves be split up into smaller groups!

We can't have it both ways folks! If the "big room" concept was really that bad, then people would use the quiet rooms to get away from it. Instead, you've got a large english room, a smaller spanish room, and sometimes a small french/german room. If the ~80 people in English was unworkable, then people would be flooding into the lobby. They're not.

The technical problems are a pain. But they're no worse than userplane and overall the chat is more reliable, less laggy, and less frustrating.

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I do not know what I think of the new chat is a kind of ... I find the chat not too bad, but with the many problems yuvutu should perhaps consider yet again the old, good return ...
Moreover, I find that the personal number is somewhat exaggerated ...... how is that a sensible conversation come when times really 200 users are in chat?

And I wonder whether the good old friends for a long time here in the chat and do not settle elsewhere to meet ... (This question should yuvutu maybe even agencies).
However, I am confident and hope for a speedy improvement.

lg from the steel worker

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steelworker a écrit:
I do not know what I think of the new chat is a kind of ... I find the chat not too bad, but with the many problems yuvutu should perhaps consider yet again the old, good return ...
Moreover, I find that the personal number is somewhat exaggerated ...... how is that a sensible conversation come when times really 200 users are in chat?

And I wonder whether the good old friends for a long time here in the chat and do not settle elsewhere to meet ... (This question should yuvutu maybe even agencies).
However, I am confident and hope for a speedy improvement.

lg from the steel worker

I'm an old time user and I found loads of friends here... I can tell you Steelworker... we aint going no where, but some of us are a bit frustrated right now because of the login problem Wink

See you in chat

xoxoxox Exy

I am back to pervette ;)
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Yeap EXY is an old timer, plus she has been on the site for a while

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