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yuvutu awards
Should there be some type of recognition for outstanding video content for yuvutu members?

Yes 100% 100% ( 12 )
No 0% 0% ( 0 )

Total des votes : 12
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Message yuvutu awards 
Although beauty is in the eye of the beholder in terms of artistic judging etc, it would still provide even more incentive if yuvutu had their own version of the AVN awards. Either monthly, bi-annually or annually. This would spur on even more creativity.

Prizes could be either a simple certificate on yuvutu letterhead email; or a new adult DVD; voucher; or if revenue is very good at yuvutu a token monetary gesture. Obviously our biggest reward is the sharing of our creativity, but those members who have gone beyond the call of duty for their creativity would probably appreciate recognition that their video was considered of such quality.

Just a thought.

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Message Prizes 
We have been looking into this kind of idea for quite a while. There are legal issues in various territories than we need to iron out first.

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Good idea!

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