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submissive wife and i cant say no to him
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Message submissive wife and i cant say no to him 

About me
Am 50 year old Indian woman I live in England in the last 5 years
My husband so dominant to me. he allows want me to be curvy large woman.
so he decided to make me more faty. And more submissive.
he do lots of things making me so shy to tell any one about it.
but he doesn’t know am member here. and I want to know if any other lady get that same treatment from there husband or other things like this
He gives me lots of enema and usually milk. and to make me more submissive he stick his dick inside me after for 20 mints before I go.
That give me a light pain but I feel he enjoy to be in control of my butt
And in the last month he start to use ½ a cup of full cream milk and 1 spoon of butter and he use large syringe to inject it in my ass. then he put he’s dick and am not allowed to evacuate at all. and he convince me to sleep until my body absorb it.
I find ½ a cup not big amount to keep. it was not hard and after 2 month of keep doing that almost every 2 day… I find my butt get a lot bigger case my body keep absorb the fat and he was so happy helping me to have a large butt

And one want to say what your husband do to you to make you submissive feel free to let us know

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Sounds pretty hot Smile Thanks for sharing.

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Message Poor lady 
methinks, your hubby is suffering from some low self-esteem hence he sees the need to make you submissive to him by making you fat against your will. I saw a similar documentary some months back where this guy made his wife put on excessive amount of weight just so that she will be dependent on him and wouldn't ever consider leaving him. He initially, admitted that he likes big women but towards the end he had to confess that it was his lack of confidence in himself that propelled him into that course of action.

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