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Message Groups 
It would be nice to have a group tab. Where people can create and join a group. Groups could be about anything, location, sexual pref, fetishes, motorcycle groups, or anything for that matter. I think it would be a great addition to this site.

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I think that sounds like a good idea... Send an email to admin about it and I bet he'll look into it as soon as he can...

Hugs Exy

I am back to pervette ;)
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It is on our "to do" list but durrewntly quite far down, because very few people have requested it.

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i think thats a good idea to help people find those with similar interests, needsand desires

Lying is cheap, but honesty costs nothing
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Message good idea 
I like it, think it's a good idea.

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Message A good idea 
I think it's a really good idea too. Would definatly help the members out. I've checked out some of the other sites and this one is my favorite by far. And almost all of the others have a group area. But those other sites are really cluttered with alot of unnessary junk too. The admins of this site area doing a really good job with this site. Keep it up guys. :D

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