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Have you ever seen someone you know?
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Message Not seen anyone yet 
No I have never seen anyone I know yet. I kind of want to as I agree with some of the others on this thread. It would be exciting. On the other hand I am very wary of other people seeing me which is why I have never posted pictures of myself. I would like to cam with people but again I have a fear about people recognising me. What are your thoughts on that?

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Message No not yet... 
But it would be great if it did happen! Can you imagine how that would elevate whatever relationship you had previously? And it wouldn't really matter since we'd both know how perverted the other one was!

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[quote="annabelle"]LOL, no! And that's a good thing because I'd probably experience hysterical blindness if I did. I would NEVER show my face in a vid for that very reason. I'm not at all keen on the idea of a friend/family member/coworker seeing me! Or me seeing them, for that matter. Not my thing at all.[/quote]

I'm with you Annabelle - this is not the flesh, and best that way - all those electrons buzzing

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Our Son's (26 yr old) best friend apparently stumbled across our vids here. Told our son and god knows who else. Fukin *****!

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Message That sucks 
Very sorry to hear that OC - guess we should all wear camo and black facepaint...

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no never seen anyone I know but but love to know if anyone recognises my girl

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bump, as someone else tried to copy this thread

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loved hearing about this but it seems to have got lost down the list, so some of our new friends may not have seen it.

Have you ever seen someone you know on yuvu or any other site? Did you tell them?

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Someone in a chat room thought they knew me once. They said that I looked like their neighbour. At the time I didn't know any of my neighbours, and I was only in town for a few months, so I doubt I actually knew the person. I also constantly have people telling me "You look like someone I know..." so I'm not surprised.
If someone I actually knew saw me (and said something), I would be pretty embarrassed.

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Message people we know 
only joined recently, since posting our first video It makes seemingly innocuous comments by friends take on a whole new meaning, we think its part of the thrill, as others have said if someone does recognise us I doubt they would dare to say anything because what are they doing on here!!lol :D :D

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Message No matter how much I keep looking... 
Still haven't seen anyone I know. Which is probably good thing, since we don't want to be recognized. Just like the fun of making and sharing videos.

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we had some photos on another site face and all had some comments from a couple quite close to us , out shopping we were spotted by the couple and they let us know they saw us late on comp, so no faces now,

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great thread...

anyone else seen or been seen?

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Working freelance I've seen a guy I regularly work for on here . I've had dealings with him since and if he's spotted me it hasn't affected work in any way but then to be fair we both knew each other are pervs anyway :P

My feeling is that if someone did call me up on it I'd just have to hold my hands up and say "I wouldn't possibly know what your talkng about ;p " , would be a bit embarassed but then whats the worst they can do because then they have to justify why they are here.

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Message NO NEVER 
[b]We live in a large city in the North of England and never encounter anyone who we reconized or recognized us..That might be a bit embarassing especially if you are not interesred in them[/b] :roll: :roll: :roll:

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