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TV/CD making comments on Straight videos
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Message TV/CD making comments on Straight videos 
Hi everyone. I'm kind of new around here and dont want to upset anybody, so, I thought I'd ask a question to find out how everyone feels...

I'm a transvestite/crossdresser who is also Bi. I'd like to know will people get angry or be upset with me if I post comments on videos from straight couples or should I just confine myself to the TV/TS/Bi section. I've seen some really great videos in all of the sections but have been hesitant to post a compliment for fear of upsetting people...
Just a question to see what everyone else thinks.


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Post as your heart desires. Why would someone get mad about that?

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Message Post as you please! 
We personally welcome comments from everyone and those that may not welcome your comments can simply delete them. A great feature of this site.

So go have fun...

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Go right ahead...as they say "everyone has a place in the choir!

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