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Just idea for mods
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Message Just idea for mods 
Is it possible to add mods as a friend on your chat list then if they are on, no mater what room they are in whisper them if there is a issue in the room that a person may be in to get them to come to room and fix ? I guess it's more of a question than an idea thankz :)

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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You can add anyone as a friend, and that includes moderators...we are regular chatters too. And yes, you can then know when a mod is online.


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Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww ty sweetie but what i was really asking if the person is a Mod in another room that we could whisper them from the room we are in from our chat room friends list .............. not have to go get em kinda like a ummmmmm panic button lol

Dernière édition par saxon le 2009-11-28 02:34:36; édité 1 fois

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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oh, I get it now. Sorry about the confusion. That actually would be a good thing to have. I think that might be a feature for subscribers (I think they have the ability to use private message and you can use it to contact anyone on your friends list when they are in chat), but I could be wrong...lol

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lol do not have all the mods on my old friends list most are on my chat room list is how i know if one is on line now when issues pop up and i go running room to room to find one :)

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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tis ok buttttttttttttt

you nows how many will abuse it ...
its bad enough now for a lady on cam .....
soz i dont like the ideas of whispers from other rooms..

yes even the regs/subscribers will abuse it ....

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Message when a mod is needed in a hurry 
I actually like the idea of somehow being able to find a mod in a hurry. It doesn't have to be in a whisper if that seems to invasive but some general alarm to the mods that help is needed if one isn't in the room you are in would be great. I was in the SE room the other day and one chatter was being totally out of line to several of the other chatters (verbally abusive). We tried as a room to get the individual to stop but it only increased. There was no mod in the room. We had to leave and search all the rooms for a mod that 1) spoke English and 2) would come to SE to help. A way to notify mods quickly would have been much appreciated in that instance.

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i see what you are saying ....

but guys would abuse it ... hey lisa you nows wot its like in here for whispers for us
if a guy can get you from another room also they will you nows that

they will not use it for the right reasons/ways ...

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Message not a whisper 
That's why I said it should be something other than a whisper. Just some mechanism to locate a mod quickly or get a mod to a room quickly. I can tell you the example I gave was extremely uncomfortable for everyone in the room until a mod could be located and brought into the room. It ruined the time for all (except for the rude person I'm sure).

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do wot i have done .....
add all the mods to your ...
friends list ....

then you nows whos on line when .. you will soon nows where the mods are (in what room )

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maybe we need admin to code a button into chat that messages all mods that a mod is required

A record of which user uses it can be kept and if they abuse it they can be dealt with Very Happy

is that possible admin???

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Stu has a good idea there, I think I was in the room on the occasion being referenced. I was annoyed that many of the regulars were being badly treated and none of us could do anything to help end the problem. It would be good to find a way to contact a moderator when one is needed.

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fooking great idea stu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and all i was lookiong for was just a quick way to get a mod to a room to fix a issue would be great if admin could help out on this

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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so wot do i do if called to spanish room ?????
or italian room ???
or french room ?????

lol lol ...

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I'll complain to the moderators union!!! More overtime? Laughing Laughing

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