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Would someone like to cum on my wife's picture?
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Message Would someone like to cum on my wife's picture? 
She is excited to see proof that people like to see her here... and I am hoping that it will turn her on enough to let us make more movies. Lately she has been feeling pretty down.

Send a note or an email addy, and happy to send you something to aim at.



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Message Hi 
If you send me the pictures I will spunk all over them.

rawskinproject dot gmail dot com


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Message Yes please 
I have already shot my load a hundred times whilst watching your videos so some pics to cum on would be nice although cumming on the real thing would be better

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Message Re: Would someone like to cum on my wife's picture? 
i will do it on cam for u so she can watch it kmccauley@twcny.rr.com

wanton a écrit:
She is excited to see proof that people like to see her here... and I am hoping that it will turn her on enough to let us make more movies. Lately she has been feeling pretty down.

Send a note or an email addy, and happy to send you something to aim at.



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