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Missing in action
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Message Missing in action 
Ok, this might be the wrong place for this, but anyway.

I thought we should have a candle lit vigil for those members who have departed us.

With that in mind, has anyone seen or heard form swete little p?

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Aso, Dev couple seem to have deleted their account. they shal be missed

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Message missin 
i agree with you whisp shame that some have left us

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Message no longer mia 
sooooooooo happy to see you back bry!!!!!!!!!!

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Hi there to all our friends

Where did everybody go?

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Billy-Melissa a écrit:
Hi there to all our friends

Where did everybody go?

Cool Very Happy

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Nice seein you Bry.

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wb bry bout time m8 :)

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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Welcome back Billy, Missy and Bry Wink

xxxxxxxxx Exy

I am back to pervette ;)
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anyone seen keyser ????

must be 2 or 3 weeks now .....

some have txt and rang ..... noone gets any replys ...... :?:

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I've texted him too, Tru ... nothing. And after what happened last time he went quiet, I'm a bit worried. If anyone does hear from him, let the rest of us know please.

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I have texted him as well... We still haven't heard if he is coming to our wedding on Saturday!!! I do hope he comes though, if he text me I'll let you all know Very Happy

Love Ingela and Brian

I am back to pervette ;)
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hey, whats wrong with keyser? i know we rib each othe,r but its cos we're mates. i hope he's ok.

I'd also like to add "gushingsunset" to the list

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I have "list" i'd like to add Gushingsunset to as well. Wink

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And where are Curvn and Swirvn?

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