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Truth or Dare room
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Message This week? 
I can't make it this Friday, but I'm available any other night this week. (I'm on eastern U.S. time.) Anyone up for a game Monday night?

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Message First Draft of How This Might Work 
In talking up this idea with some friends, I've been asked a few times, "How would that work?" So I thought I'd take a first crack at laying out how it would work. I don't mean this to be the final word on it, just wanted to get the discussion going on it. Disagree with me. Add your own ideas. Let's figure it out.

Some of this might be obvious to some of you, but since enough people have asked me about it, I'm going to spell it all out.

The Idea: A chat room dedicated to playing truth or dare with one another.

Though the game would be most fun with everyone on both video and audio, it could be played with some only participating through text. I'll ignore that distinction through most of the following explanation. Questions can be asked aloud or typed, depending on how it's played. Same goes for answers. Dares can be adapted to texting rather than performing on cam.

I do, however, think that everyone in the room should be expected to participate as a player, even if only via text. Lurking would be particularly problematic in this room. If you're in the room, you're in the game.

One person starts off as "it," the person who will choose the first victim. The person who is "it" chooses another person (the "victim") in the room, and asks them "Truth or dare?"

The "victim" decides which they want, then says either "truth" or "dare".

If the victim chooses "truth," then the person who is it asks the victim a question, which the victim is expected to answer honestly. The question can be just about anything, but often it's a question that gets the person to reveal something intimate, interesting, or embarrassing about themself. I'll include some examples below.

If the victim chooses "dare," then the person who is it dares the victim to do something. Typically the dare would be performed on cam and mic, but it would not have to be. Dares can be performed through text. ("Pretend you're at a bar and deliver, via text, your best pick-up line to the next person to enter the room.") Or they can be performed off-cam wherever the victim is, with the victim then reporting on it in text. (The last possibility raises the question, "How do you know they really did it?" The answer is that you don't know; it's just the honor system. But what fun is it to play truth or dare if you're not going to do the dares?) I'll include some example dares below.

When the victim finishes answering their truth or performing their dare, to the satisfaction of the person who was "it" or the general consensus of the room, then the victim becomes it and chooses the next victim. The person who is now it cannot choose the person who just gave them a truth or dare. It has to be someone else. This is sometimes called "no dare backs." (Note: It'd be fun if we could find a way to randomize selecting the next victim. I'm not sure how to do that in these chat rooms, but if anyone has any ideas, please speak up.)

The person who is now it asks the new victim "Truth or dare?" And the game continues as above.

Those are the basics, but I'd suggest a few general principles to keep the game fun.

First of all, it's usually most fun if the truths and dares have a progression from easy to hard. If the very first dare is, "Strip naked and masturbate until you cum," then there's really nowhere much to go from there. So consider starting off with easier questions and dares, then gradually working up to the more extreme ones as the game heats up.

Second, this is all meant to be in good fun for everyone. Part of the fun is being encouraged sometimes to stretch beyond your comfort zone. But being heavily pressured to do something that you really don't want to do or that is unsafe... that's no fun. So while gently nudging someone to perform a dare that they're a little reluctant on is ok, in the end all questions and dares are negotiable. If the victim really doesn't want to do it or answer it, then modify the question or dare or give them a new one. Otherwise you just end up chasing people out of the game. We all have limits. No matter how hard you dare me, I'm not going to give out my cell phone number in a dare. Or run naked past a police station. If you insist too much, I'll just end up leaving the game.

Next, be creative. I know that's easily said and harder to do. But make an effort. If every dare is, "Show me your dick/pussy," it's going to get old fast. Think of original questions or dares, or of interesting variations you can do on questions or dares you've seen before. (e.g. Instead of just, "Strip naked and turn around on cam," try, "Strip naked and turn around on cam while singing the national anthem of your country.")

Finally, for now, spread the game around. If someone hasn't been picked in a while, pick them. (If we come up with a way of randomly picking victims, then that issue goes away.)


Here are some examples of truths and dares, just to get the creative juices flowing:

Describe to us in detail your very first romantic kiss.

What are the last three things you ate?

What is the most public place in which you have been naked?

What is a fantasy of yours that you have not yet lived out?

Have you ever participated in a threesome?

If you were at a D/s club and had to choose, would you choose to be a Dom(me) or a sub?


I dare you to...

Do ten jumping jacks in your underwear, on cam.

Take off your shirt and leave it off for the remainder of the game.

Using lipstick (or a washable marker, or ketchup, or...) write "YuVuTu" on your ass.

On mic, fake an orgasm.

Tell [another player in the room] one thing you like about her/him.

Strip naked, open your back door, and step outside for 15 seconds. (If the player's computer and cam are situated in a way that allows it, they should do this on cam. If not, do it, then come back and report on it.)

Suck your nipples.

Get a ruler or tape measure and use it to show us on cam the length of your erect cock.

Spank your bare ass five times.


OK, that's my idea of how this would work. What do the rest of you think?

Hope we can all play together soon.


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I will raise my hand (and another body member) as a vote for this Truth or Dare Game. Could be fun. Though I think that it needs to be moderated very closely to make sure that people don't get abusive.

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Hmmm this would be alot of fun but even more fun if we just told the guys the truth and dared them all to do shower cams!!!!! Sexy Minded BJH!!

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I LOVE the sound of this game ........ maybe we could have a couple of levels in it to sort of ease into it gently? Maybe level one where it's all fun but nothing that anybody would feel worried about doing and level two, build up to it as suggested but work on a pretty much no holds barred game eventually?

Could be a lot of fun but as you said, needs to be carefully watched because of the abuse possibilities! Very Happy

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Message Levels 
Fuckminxy, I like your levels idea. Let's try it!

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