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pictures in blogs
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Message pictures in blogs 
Admin please remove the picture aspect from the blogs pleaseeeeeeeeeee here is one big reason why go look at this blog post ffs tettola tettola: tettola dicembre 2010 questa/o sono io x tutti voi

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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PLEASE revisit this topic admin!!! Blogs have turned into nothing more than advertisements for profiles. Please help them become again what they once were - a place for the written word. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

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lol i mailed admin about this months ago .....

he said no one else had complained about it ,,, lol lol ...

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omg tru look at that posting nothing but pictures ffs .................. that should be on his profile not in blogs

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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hmmmm er um er yeppers i saw them

er um er .... nice ass ........

nooooo i never said that .... yes i agree .... to many pics in blogs ....

i also hate it when ya catch pic with curserthingy nd ya get a face full of err pussy .... 8O

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oooooooooooooooooooooooooooor Nasty ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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have sent ya a pm sax .......

hope ya understand it lol .....

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Oh Shit i agree. Twice in the last 2 days ive nearly hurled all over my screen.. pleaseeeeeeeeee if i wanna look at ass pussys dressed in skirts with things stuffed in them id go search for them on profiles. each to there own.. but at 6am im sitting with a coffee ready for a read and up pops either men with there ass inners hanging out or women letting you see what they ate the nite before. pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee god cant we keep pics in pics or profiles :?

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OK I removed that posting.

As for removing pics in general, most people who post blogs also post a pic or a video in the blog, so the feature is there by popular demand.

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Ok I hear what your saying, so if they are not going to be removed can we have a blog section with no pictures or video postings possible please i will leave the old blog to be what it is, not a blog but more of a video picture show with words.

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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admin a écrit:

As for removing pics in general, most people who post blogs also post a pic or a video in the blog, so the feature is there by popular demand.

Another problem: when I move my mouse over a pic (by accident), I get an enlarged picture that sometimes fills my whole screen. Maybe, at least, you could fix this annoying problem?

(I'd add to have a function search in blogs by language).

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imma help out, cause i am nice like that, and i do share my knowledge and logic, and as i have some extra IQ and don't mind leaving a little IQ here and there. once i run short though, i won't be as willing to leave it laying around.

as i glance across the buttons up there ^, i see a tab for photos, i figure pics would go there, not writings. i see another tab for videos, and using my power of deduction, i deduce that videos would go there. then i see a tab for blogs and i figure that would be for the written word. of course, you could have photo blogs, and actually there are video blogs, but the tab says blog not photo blog or video blog.

i'd figure anyone wanting to see pics of weenies and gashes would click "photos" and would rightfully be dismayed were they to see a rhyme of mine or a story of another filed under that tab. and those who wished to see weenies and gashes in action would click on "videos" and be a little disappointed to find a narrative about holding hands with the most amazing person in the world. (lol, it warms my heart to just type those words.)

i could go on, as there are other points to be made but i am tired of typing. and i don't think many would grasp the concepts anyway, and only get mad, and i don't allow any negativity to linger long in my life. so that's that. plus i have dinner to cook. and i dont think anything is going to change anyway, nor does it really matter to me one way or the other. but i had some free minutes so i spent them.

yet the phrase, weenies and gashes, gives rise to this thought:

when i wanna read something
be it musings, stories, or a rhyme
and i click on the blog tab
well, it oughta be a crime

to be staring at ya weenie
or looking up ya gash
it causes me to move on
and i do it in a flash

yes i realize i can skip it
and pretend it's never been
and yet there is this truism:
what you see can't be unseen


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They take up so much space on your screen, can the pictures be made smaller and if you want to see them just click on the picture.

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