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Flash, Gobble, Spurt!
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Message Flash, Gobble, Spurt! 
This a true story one of my friends told me she witnessed in a small local park one day.

She was sitting on a bench opposite 2 very smartly dressed women. Both must have had a couple of drinks during their lunch hour as they seem quite tipsy. Ther conversation was stopped short when a man walked up to them wearing a long coat. Seem strange as it was such a warm day. The man approached an opened his coat. He has his trouser zip open to reveal a huge erection. Quickly walking away the women (and my friend were dumbfounded to say the least. One of the women nudged the other giggling and offered her a bet that she would suck the guy off there and then!

The other took up the bet and quickly ran after the flasher 'Hey you, can I suck you off in the bushes?" she cried. Quickly both diving into some nearby bushes to be shielded from other park goers. My friend ran across to view the spectacle. The woman got down on her hands and knees and proceeded to suck the guy off.

After about ten minutes the mans cock was starting to bulge with his balls cleary tightening (my friend was very observant!) Suddenly the other woman appeared, lifted her skirt and began rubbing her pussy...moaning all the time.

It was more than the flasher could take, his cock erupted huge globs of cum much to the women's delight.

My friend asked me to post this story and hopes you enjoy reading as much as she enjoyed witnessing it!

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