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Hi everyone
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Message Hi everyone 
This is all new to me,Ive lead a sheltered life. Nasty past(ended up hating sex)but willing to move on and have a fantastic new future with a man I trust. Looking for ideas on beginners(but willing) experiences on bondage areas, etc, any help you can offer would be fantastic!!! Very Happy Very Happy

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hiya ... welcum to yuvu

click the chatt tab top the room
welcome to our world lol

hope you have fun heheh

truday x

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Thank you Smile

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Good to meet you in the room today... hope you keep coming back :)


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Message Hi 
I'm a Newbie 2 yuvutu!!! I just signed up today! Wink

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fuckherholes, welcome and cruse on over to the chat room and meet people from all over the world. Hope you enjoy the site.


I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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Message New member 
Hi everyone. I've been looking at this site for some time and finally decided to join (and join in). I must say YUVUTU is one of the best sites there is


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