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Message Videos. 
Please allow Choosable thumbnails on uploader pages.
There is a video sharing site uploaders use that has a great feature that allows you to choose a screen shot from your video to be the thumbnail.

We are pretty sure people skip a lot of videos because the thumbnails are horrible. or video thumbs look like there's nothing in the video - A lot of videos are seen ( because their thumbnais are good)

I highly encourage you do allow this feature so all of the contributers can show a better shot of the video so more people will watch it.

It might be encourage more views/comments on videos .. Just saying.

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Now that IS a good idea Glory !!


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Actually it was an idea from the uploaders "infid3l" .. I give credit where credit's due. Wink.

This is also my conviction: The possibility to choose a eye-catching thumbnail generates more views on videos.

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