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Subscriber only videos NOT a good idea
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i totally agree, i think it is wrong only subscribers can view my amateur videos. If this does not change, i will withdraw my profile.

Its really not the way forward

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why not just re-upload them?

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staffssub a écrit:
i totally agree, i think it is wrong only subscribers can view my amateur videos. If this does not change, i will withdraw my profile.

Its really not the way forward


Please, click on "Your account" , then in your "site settings", you will see: Allow Video Locking: Yes or No - you can now support Yuvutu by allowing your older videos to be displayed to subscribers only (you will always be able to view your own content).

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Message Free vids 
Well What I can say to everyone that is not a subscriber now is that the only thing that's really interesting in this site are the videos, because with the subscription you can have access to chat rooms, witch to be honest is not a great offer never the less there are three or four girls with a nice body that know how to perform on cam. Besides that it's only boring talk.
So the real choice about subscribing is "do I want to see the videos or not"?
Well in my opinion the videos worth the subscription.

Kind regards,


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You do not have to be a subscriber to use the chatrooms.... they are free to all

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This is outrageous, I won't visit yuvutu anymore. They already make a lot of money of the ads, but no, they have to keep milking it. Too bad, there will be a new yuvutu, hopefully a website that does have a fair business model.

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17yearold, you are banned for being under 21, and no we do not make enough money from advertising, we need the subscription revenue as well to cover our costs. Uploaders have the right to opt out of the video blocking for old videos.

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