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Question to Admin
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Message Question to Admin 
Any chance of a up date on some of the little problems since your last maintenance, fonts in the chat room not saving, not being able to rearrange and save your profile page, I would like to make my photos viewable to friends only, and the moving video thumbnail not working, trivial problems i know.... but still problems that could be sorted out, still a great site keep up the good work you do.

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I agree Xzite... would be nice to know what's going on.
My index is STILL at zero since I rejoined... a well as all the other issues apparently not resolved


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After all these chaotic days due to the maintenance, Patience is virtue on Yuvuutu - I am sure that Yuvutu admins are going to make some diamonds here soon..(It is just my opinon) Smile

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All the related problems are now solved, let me know if you still find them.


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My Index is STILL at zero !

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Thanks for the quick response simon. :)

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You should see the correct Index in the graph, located here: http://www.yuvutu.com/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=yuvutu_index


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My Index updated once ... since then its not moved again... yet the views on my profile have increased ......

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Hi SweetPea,

Can you confirm that your Index is now working?


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Message Highlights 
New comments are still not highlighted like they were before

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Message Re: Highlights 
[quote="jsutton911"]New comments are still not highlighted like they were before[/quote]


We are aware of that but we haven't found the cause of the issue yet. Sometimes it seems to work.


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Message index counter not working 
I have exactly the same problem with the index

index not going up even though views are way more

that goes on for quite a few days

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Hi Medoso,

It should be fine now, can you confirm?


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