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Can't Update my profile with my location
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Message Can't Update my profile with my location 
On my profile page, I click 'country of origin' and can choose United States. When I click on State, the only option is 'I prefer not to say'. I have tried other countries, I have tried other browsers. All have the same result.

I can't search for people in my area without setting my location ,first.

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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Thanks for your message.
It's a problem on our side, we've been busy with bigger things but now that they are solved we can take a look at that sooner.

I'll let you know when completed.


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Just to let you know that this issue is solved and you can now save your settings properly.


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I think it has broken again. I am having the same issue.

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It's only the location that is not working now, we plan to fix that today.


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Message Problem fixed 
It is fixed again! ;)

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