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pbm with videos
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Message pbm with videos 

We loaded successfully 2 videos, one on last friday night and another one on last saturday night and it's not on the site yet :( :?: :?: :?: We would like to know what is the problem with these videos since they respected the rules and loaded successfully...We don't understand...Are they too long? We are going to try to reduce them.

Thanks a lot for the details you could give us to help us,


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Message Re: pbm with videos 
petitesoubrette a écrit:

We loaded successfully 2 videos, one on last friday night and another one on last saturday night and it's not on the site yet Sad Question Question Question We would like to know what is the problem with these videos since they respected the rules and loaded successfully...We don't understand...Are they too long? We are going to try to reduce them.

Thanks a lot for the details you could give us to help us,



Do you still have this problem? .. Please use the "feedback" link at the top right of every page if you have any problems with your videos.

BTW, All your videos have been approved by the video screeners.


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