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Access to videos, pics,profiles,etc.
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Message Access to videos, pics,profiles,etc. 
If the site administrators added a way to control who has access to a users vids,pics,profiles,etc. I think we would have more participation in the uploading of vids, pics,etc.
It could be as simple as people a user has added as "friends" having access to a users items.
There's just too much stealing/reposting of vids/pics on other sites in our experience. There needs to be some sort of user control factor so 10 million internet surfers do not have free access to do whatever they wish with a users private items.

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Message nice idea 
OC, I agree with you. I think for those who want that option it ought to be available. It would make many people feel more open about posting vids. The standard setting could be that anyone/everyone could see but then you could choose to only post for trusted friends (hoping I am a trusted friend OC!! hehehe)

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great idea oc maybe a check box when you upload so evryone can decide for themselves who can see but we put more vids on if we could control who was looking at them

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Message Great Idea 
I know several of the old timers have pulled their content off the site because it showed up on other places... I think, if there is an easy way for people to share videos without worrying about them being posted all over the net, the number of videos posted could grow by leaps and bounds...
I just hope that the chat room mods will have access to them all... After all, we are the perviest of the perves... LOL

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What i'm proposing is simply to give uploaders an option as to whether they want everyone to have access to their vids/pics or to limit access to those they choose. Hopefully this could be done on a vid by vid basis. A couple "teaser" vids with no faces or whatever with full access, and the vids that shows all maybe a bit more private. Anyone who would like to grant full access to their items would still have that option.

btw....if anyone out there thinks they are safe by clicking the "do not allow downloading" button, just shoot me a pm with your email addy and ill send u some copies of your vids and or pics. Wink

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Message Excellent idea! 
Nice OC !

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but if you dont want everyone to see ya vids/pics why put them on ????

if you want to chose who see's them ... just put ya addy up tell the world to mail you 1st ????
you wanna get 6,000..... 15,000 mails asking to see ya pics/vids???...................

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Truday I don't think you understand.....people are STEALING these vids. They don't belong to them. They have no right in doing this. And no i'd rather not have a 100 emails asking for videos. I'd like a safe place to share, as would others i think?
btw Tru......how many vids have you got posted here?

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I was just informed of this stolen video> http://www.slutload.com/watch/3OCS17Vj0bk/Amateur-couple-having-sex-in-a-sex-swing.html

Yep thats us.We haven't have vids posted in six months. Hopefully Admin will be able to help us get it removed.

EDIT...........Thanks Admin for helping us in getting that vid removed from that site.

Dernière édition par oc le 2010-01-08 17:10:38; édité 1 fois
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Great idea.. I wonder what the chances of getting the owner to actually do something like .

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Message Limiting access to vids 
I agree completely OC, having, like yourself had that problem there is no way I would even put a pic up in here, I know, because they told me, that people have even taken my sunset pic, so what would be the point of posting anything else.

I know that other sites make it possible to limit who sees your vids, of course I would have to delete the pages 20 of friends I never chose first.......

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Well let the games begin ...
Just started posting vids here as of yesterday and I already have received messages
that they have seen our vids on other sites..

I would hate to delete them but I don't know what to do.

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[quote="Billy-Melissa"]Well let the games begin ...
Just started posting vids here as of yesterday and I already have received messages
that they have seen our vids on other sites..

I would hate to delete them but I don't know what to do.[/quote]

i'd like to say i'm surprised but..

We would Love to start posting vids again. We were up to 50 at one point I think. We just can't afford to have a million people have free access to our stuff anymore. We are stretching it with the 2 we do have posted without our faces.

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I am not an uploader but I think an option to allow people (only on friends list) to view vids and pics can encourage to post some videos( n pics).. maybe an option for pay subscribers? .. in 2013? Laughing

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So has the owners of this site made mention that they were going to try and help the people out that upload there materiel?

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