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Hey all....newbie from UK
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Message Hey all....newbie from UK 
Hey all,

Newbie to the site... an old friend from another site who I bumped into today told me to register and introduce myself.

So here it goes, I hate these brief introductions, sounds like an AA meeting.

So I'm Matt, I'm 33 and from the South East, I'm an easy going guy. ..who is always up for a laugh , and for some hot horny fun.... I'm always willing to host pictures, not done any videos yet.

I'm quite happy to cam in chat room's...need to get use to the chat room.

I'm a bit of a fitness freak, spend most days down the gym at the moment.

I'm also registered on a few other sites, I'm into a few things.

Not sure what else to say. .... but ask away if you wanna know anything else.

Chat soon all


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Message Hi Matt 
Hello, my name is Glory .. and me too I am alcoholic .. and porn addict.

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Hey Glory,

Cheers for the welcome.....I'm more of a porn addict than an alcoholic lol

But thanks for the welcome


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Hi Matt
Do I know you from somewhere else?
The name looks familiar.
Welcome to yuvu.
Have fun x

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goodtimematt a écrit:
Hey Glory,

Cheers for the welcome.....I'm more of a porn addict than an alcoholic lol

But thanks for the welcome



Welcome! .. Ask me anything, I am here Very Happy

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betsyb a écrit:
Hi Matt
Do I know you from somewhere else?
The name looks familiar.
Welcome to yuvu.
Have fun x

Hey Betsy, you certainly do....CK.

Saw brush couple on another site and they said to sign up, so here I am.

They did say you were on here though


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Welcome. Hope you're well and have fun here. xxxxxx

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betsyb a écrit:
Welcome. Hope you're well and have fun here. xxxxxx

Cheers for the welcome though Betsy, surprised you remembered the name as it was some years back.

However thank you


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Well you remembered me lol

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I'm good with name's, well the old grey matter is getting worse, but names I can remember lol xxx

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