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Maggie's evening walk
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Message Maggie's evening walk 
Just a bit of background for a start, she had her tube's tied when she was 28 so she had no pregnancy worries, in the last 2 days of her period she would get very horny, the day the covers came of she was at her worst this was something I could make use of as she would be up for almost anything at this time, on with the story.
Several years ago when she was in her late 40s we went for a walk at a local picnic spot, it was summer and she was wearing her usual button though short dress and a pair of shoes nothing else at all, we came across a young man age about 19/20 and as we were going in the same direction walked along chatting he had just left work and was walking home about 2 miles away, we decided to take a break and sat on a park bench, he sat on the ground as it was easier with his rucksack on, the buttons on her dress started a few inches above the hem so was nearly crouch level and as she sat down it exposed a large amount of thigh, I noticed he sat right in front of her and he had a good view up her dress, after a few minutes Maggie had gently shuffle forward so she was sitting on the edge of the seat a minute or so later she opened her legs a little bit more and pushed herself further forward on the seat a small smile came on his face and she opened her legs further still, by now he had a uninterrupted view of her naked cunt, I could see she was getting very hot and horny by now and after a few more minutes I suggested we carry on with our walk and as we were going in the same direction we could walk together, just after we started walking I noticed she had popped a button on the top of her dress as I walked beside her I gently popped one at the bottom, she gave me a look that told me she wanted to play and a few minutes later she had popped another at the top, the wind was just enough to open her dress and our young friend was almost looking over her shoulder at her tits, I got the next one at the bottom, in loop next few minutes we got one more each which left just one in the middle with a slight breeze her dress opened up showing her tits and blowing back round her hips she may as well been naked we had come to a fork in the path and I said we had to go back now as we had not eaten yet as we said our goodbyes he stood facing her and started to reach out towards her right tit he hesitated ( I was willing him to feel her tits ) a he put his hand on her shoulder then gently kissed her cheek, muttered thank you and turned and walked down the path towards his home, as he went he did what I expected him to he turned to wave goodbye to us I had already undone the last button and slipped her dress off her shoulders so when he turned to wave he had a last look at completely naked Maggie, I was a bit disappointed as I felt that if he had made a move she would have fucked him, as it was she walked along the path with her dress undone most of the way back to the car something she did often when she was horny, I would just Stoke the flame and enjoy showing her to others something I never grow tired of

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