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Tell me your thoughts about my chesty ex-girlfriend
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Message Tell me your thoughts about my chesty ex-girlfriend 

I've recently uploaded vids of my college ex, Elizabeth. As you can see above she has a sweet smile and a serious rack. Natural 34d's, the best I've ever seen.

Check out vids of her going down on my cock and titty fucking here:

Check out a vid of her riding me with her perfect tits bouncing on my chest here:

Plz tell me all your dirty thoughts on this exposed pigslut, positive or otherwise.

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very nice mate bet you had fun with them 34d's had a ex with 32DD they was great and really firm!

life is to have fun so i\'m planning to live alot!
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so I understand that you calling her an " exposed pigslut" means she has no idea you have posted her pics on the net?

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Message move on. 
.......matey! she's ur ex- so why are you still hanging on asking people to comment on her big breast. does she knows u posted her video for all to see? bet not. u'r one sad individual.

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