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Subscriber section in chat?
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No No keep the normal chat, and yes you would still have those that are of well shall we just say nuisance value, but this would cut down on it, i guess the only other way would be allow multi docking private chats, I would still go to the normal chat, but there are times we wished we didnt have to filter out so much.

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Seahorse a écrit:
bigbellies a écrit:
Simple seahorse, make lots of films and get your index way up!

I guess I'm not gonna make my index high enough until my gf wants to do some vids with me. Let's admit it, it's hard for a man alone to get that amount of views. Not impossible, but hard.

Come on Exy!! It's gonne be the two of us alone... gonna have lots of fun!! (((hug back))) Very Happy

mmmmmmmmmmmm fun Seahorse, what do you have in mind??? Wink
xoxox Exy

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Exwife a écrit:

mmmmmmmmmmmm fun Seahorse, what do you have in mind??? Wink
xoxox Exy

Mmmm I'll think about it... but remember what the site's about... lol

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Message Drive away normal users? 
I think if a subscriber room was allowed then most of the people I know in chat would go in there and I'd be left out in the cold! I like the idea of yuvutu being a free site and having a room esp. for people who have paid will IMHO be a making this site a bit too much like all the other pay-for chatrooms. Maybe my view would be different if I got trolled every 5 minutes, I don't know. I'd be sad to see yuvutu go down this road though. Just my two pennies worth. :)

How about introducing some kind of 'loyalty' system whereby a user is vetted and given points on his behaviour / number of times he is in a chatroom? If someone behaves themselves and proved to be ok, then when they've accumulated, say, 10 points they are allowed in a private room?

A passion for destruction is also a CREATIVE passion!
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Keyser, right now it would be nice to be able to get into the chat room at all! Have we got problems again??

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KY,,, Take a breathe man. Shocked

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hotpolarbear a écrit:
Keyser, right now it would be nice to be able to get into the chat room at all! Have we got problems again??

Yes Hot... Its userplane.. must have some problem with their servers, hopefully it will be back soon.

Jelly xx

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Breathes deeply................. Embarassed

A passion for destruction is also a CREATIVE passion!
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Hey all it was just a thought..Ty for the feed back Cool

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Message Re: Drive away normal users? 
Keyser a écrit:
I think if a subscriber room was allowed then most of the people I know in chat would go in there and I'd be left out in the cold! Maybe my view would be different if I got trolled every 5 minutes, I don't know. I'd be sad to see yuvutu go down this road though.

<keyser>Awwwwwwww Cutie....... I'll keep you warm in more than one way Shocked
Ooooops did I say that out loud........ Damn..... I thought I whispered it!!!!!!! Obviously whispers don't work in here... LMAO

A big wet mwwaaaahhhhhhhh

Exy Wink

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LOL well if having a subscriber room means Exy will keep me warm in 'that special way' then I've changed my mind, let's have a subscriber room! Embarassed

A passion for destruction is also a CREATIVE passion!
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Shocked Cutie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't tell Beema................. lmfao


Exy Wink

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it'll be our little secret...........
Well, ours and all of the rest of yuvutu anyway!

I'll meet u in the Heathrow Travelodge next Wednesday, OK? Smile I'll bring flowers LOL

A passion for destruction is also a CREATIVE passion!
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Keyser, I'm devasted! I thought you were mine! And Ex ... does this mean that I can borrow Beema? hehehe! xxxxxxxx

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A second hand beema with faulty exhaust?
ex is putting lots of milage on him!

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