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Why does our cam keep getting disconnected?
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Message Why does our cam keep getting disconnected? 
Well we tried the chat cam thing tonight for the first time and we both have mixed feelings about the whole experience. On the plus side, we had a whole lot of fun interacting with all the watchers out there. It's a real kick to know what others are thinking moment to moment while we're getting more and more into the show. Mrs fntsters and I both thank all of you that shared those moments with us. The down side is that several times our cam got disconnected from everyone, which understandably broke the rhthym for both us and our fellow porners. (It wasn't our internet connection, that has been rock solid on every other occasion.) We reconnected a few times but, as things progressed, we decided that it was just too frustrating to keep interrupting each other to try to figure out why we were once again on our own so we said goodnight to everyone and had the time of our lives with no spectators. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but when you're in a sharing mood it's kind of a bummer to have to disappoint all those people who were along for the ride. If anyone has any idea of why we were cut off every ten minutes or so we'd appreciate hearing how we can stay connected during any future adventures.

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