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Mrs Bremner website.
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Message Mrs Bremner website. 
I have a very large collection of photos and quite a lot of videos of Mrs Bremner. I was wondering if it would be worthwhile creating my own website (no monthly fee) and posting on there. It would give me more freedom and control than posting on websites like Yuvutu etc. What do you think?

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I could think of nothing more fitting for a deserving wife to be showcased.

It would be really cool to see/have the freedom to do as you wish with your own content but do you suppose it would see the same amount of interaction with as many people as you do here?

Wouldn't it be expensive? Keep us posted on what happens!

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Obviously it would be wonderful for us who are aware of the wonderful productions. It would give you more freedom to post what you want but to echo the previous poster ...how would you generate traffic that she and you deserve...just my thoughts.

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Message Mrs Bremner website 
As I've had so few replies perhaps it's not such a good idea after all!

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