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Fun Alternatives
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Message Fun Alternatives 
I don't really want to own a dildo, but I love putting weird things in my pussy. I've used sharpies, pens, a hair gel bottle and more. What are some other people's favorite things to stick in themselves?

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Message Well... 
Kristina likes her new whisk, the POM bottle, billard balls, among many other things over the years.

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How about your pantes, that always turns me on to the point of distraction or your bed post!

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Those two both sound great :)
Anyone else have from suggestions?

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How about a decent size mature cock like mine - not boasting but hey Smile !! take care Bill xx

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How about a bed end, bed knob
One of hose knobs that is on the end of your bed
would LOVE to see a video of you sittingon one of those streaching your pussy over one of them

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well, just to get the obvious items out of the way, you could try cucumbers, carrots, courgettes etc. As for the more unusual things.... you cold try a rolling pin! an electric toothbrush, or how about a small plastic drinks bottle filled with milk?

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hmmm whisp ... is a electric toothbrush really unusual ??? lol lol lol

i dont think sooo heheh

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Sorry i haven't done any videos in while! Things got busy here. I'll make one asap :)

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[quote="deliverygirl"]Sorry i haven't done any videos in while! Things got busy here. I'll make one asap Smile[/quote]

I'm looking forward to it already. Very Happy

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A Mobile phone (cell phone). xxx

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Message Things to go in the pussy 
Carrots? Cucumbers?

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Message mmmm 
Isaw a video of a tow bar ball once and a gear stick, they were interesting!

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Message the pussy is pussy worldwide 
small girl eheheh ... you need something more animated ... and that after you give a bit of cream

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Message for cadina1 
Carrots? Cucumbers? don't belive that are now out of fashion? ahahahh

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