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[size=24][color=red][b]boring chat[/b][/color][/size]
should you be kicked out for writing drivvle

yes 27% 27% ( 3 )
no 72% 72% ( 8 )

Total des votes : 11
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Message [size=24][color=red][b]boring chat[/b][/color][/size] 
get rid of people that don't talk about sexual things e.g weather, cooking, cleaning this is non productive in utilisng this site for over 18's (21 in some states) if you wish to talk shite do it on twitter facebook and alike

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Message drivvle? 
How's this for drivvle:
<<well fuck me ain't you stupid aswell, I don't mind having a debate, but as for causing trouble.... time of the month It might be that some /most eople aren;t interested in the utter shite that gets spoken.. Really this is a shame because when I first started using this site 4 years ago it was good , now it seems to be full of unemployed social claimants that are all catty and wish too chat about social issues, I thought that this was a site for over 18's rather than the retarded mindsets that have now appeared. Site admin - choosing the dicks in society- big pat on the back. as for no directing......what a load of shite some people may be inspired by some directing .. If they don't like directing don't read as a performance is being given. Typical , this is what happens when you let a woman have a bit of power - ones that aren't used to it.>>

This is the drivvle you sent me this morning. You want to direct get out of the NON-DIRECTING room and have fun!

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Ummmmmmmmmm ucky sucky fucky what ever your name...................... you will find that the majority of people in chat have been around each other for a long time and have shared more than just sex .......... they have made friendships and do like to talk about other things than just sex 24/7. Being the sex chat that it is, it always goes back to the topic of sex or other sex related issues you must have hit a lull in the sex conversation at the time lol. If the room you where in does not work for you try a diffrent one. :) have a good day

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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Message Re: [size=24][color=red][b]boring chat[/b][/color][/size] 
SuckyFucky a écrit:
get rid of people that don't talk about sexual things e.g weather, cooking, cleaning this is non productive in utilisng this site for over 18's (21 in some states) if you wish to talk shite do it on twitter facebook and alike

Why not simply use your "ignore" button to not read them?

I'm agree that some people have probably forgotten this is a SEX chatroom.. but myself, as a moderator, I'm not going to kick an user who doesn't talk only about sex... Never.
As I said above, please use your ignore button. Wink

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