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I am deleting my account.
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Message I am deleting my account. 
As a non-paying member, I can understand not being able to watch videos. I am not allowed to submit videos. As a non-premium member, this seems counter-productive to me. Females draw in new members. I know of other sites that allow non-paying members to both watch and submit videos. Why the hell should I pay to show my videos? I won't be around to see if this site tanks.[/b]

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Free members have always been allowed to upload videos. Here are the benefits of paid membership that free members do not receive:

    *High Resolution Videos
    *Full Screen Videos
    *Full access to Dating service and priority ranking
    *More Bandwidth
    *Unlimited Daily Views
    *Advanced Search
    *Video Download

If you need assistance with uploading videos, you can always post in the appropriate forum. If there are technical issues preventing you from uploading, use the Feedback form at the top of the website and let the Admin team know.

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