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Help viewing vids...
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Message Help viewing vids... 

I have a problem:

I can't view any of the videos on the site.
I have uninstalled the previous version of adobe flash player
with the uninstaller, and installed the latest version
Then I restarted the computer, and i still can't see any of the videos...
I have java script enabled

Browser: IE ver. 6
Operating system: Windows 2000 SP3
Internet Connection: ADSL 1.5MB
Flash player version installed: 9,0,45,0

I don't know what to do....

Please help

email: janbas22@walla.com

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i have the same problem, any news?

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Message try this 
1. Do you have adBlocker? If so, try turning it off.

2. Check Tools/Internet Options/Security/Custom Level, make sure "active scripting" is enabled.

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