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access to chatrooms
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Message access to chatrooms 
Hy folks
Have tried to access chatroom today, after logging on and getting to select screen there is a box at the top for user name, i have put in my user name but it comes back with you must be registered, i thought that by logging in that i was registered? Can anyone advise

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Hi everybody, I have the same problem. Anyone knows why???

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I've reported this to admin , he's answered:

admin a écrit:
Thanks. We are looking into it. There seems to be network problems for example we can't approve videos at the moment.


yuvutu team

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Message Can't log-in on 16 November 2010 
I am getting a message when I log-in that I must subscribe to enter Chat rooms. Anyone else getting this?? My yuvutu Index is too low!![/b]

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Message login chat 
same as the rest at the moment, was on earlier, then now cant get in, there were a lot of people with connection problems last night so could be to do with this, noticed numbers in rooms almost zero in all rooms which was very strange.

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Message chat rooms 
i cant get into chat just like many others i know that sites have problems but i see more and more ppl going elsewhere as these problems like cams and not getting in to chat will only push ppl away

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That works now for me.

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hi every body

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I can't acess to chat room, the loading stop at 99% end never ending.
other people have this problem? and how to resolve it?

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Message chat room not working 
i have had this problem for a few months now.why cant i get into chat room.
the page loads,then where there should be the room options the page is blank.everything om my computer is upto date

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