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Pop up Adverstising
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Message Pop up Adverstising 
I know the chat makes money from the pop up ads but it's getting ridkiculous, there are so many now. Also the one with the red background that pops up everytime I log in has become very annoying each time I close it it comes back. So far its popped up 6 times since I've logged in. I know you're trying to raise revenue, but this is going to drive away memebers like myself if it continues, Enough is enough.



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Ok, I haven't even been in chat yet and it's popped up 10 times. Please do something about this!!!!

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There should be no pop-ups.

Non subscribers get one pop-UNDER a maximum of once every 24 hours. If you are gtting it more than that then I suggest you try clearing your browser cache and see if that helps.

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Message POP UPS 
ok tried that and it did nothing. There's some kind of glitche in your software. Each time I log on i get a pop and every time i click on something on the site it happens again. Over 15 times so far today. This is madness!!!

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You are the only one to have this problem. Try deleting your yuvutu cookie

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She has a MAC also do not know if thats part of the issue or not.

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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Message Pop ups 
Why would having a Mac suddenly become an issue? Also since the recent update my cam no longer works in chat but does elsewhere. Do you think you could help me with this problem Sax?



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MB Alan is the MAC guru if anyone can get your stuff to work it's him ............. send him a PM with your cam issue sure he will hook ya up. Other issue not sure about hon

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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Message Pop UPS 
I was hoping u could help me with my cam SAx, u did originally but if u think I should contact Alan i will.
Just wanted to let u know i was just in se and asked if anyone was having the same problem and a few others have been also but I guess they haven't reported it.


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Message www.livejasmin .com 
Is the pop up that will pop up everytime I open a page ,any page, on yuvutu, I have my security settings as high as it will go , now what ? Its just on this site , I used to get it once a night ,now its like every time I change a page ...what to do ?

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Message ok so getting probs too 
it seems that now I am also experiencing problems accessing the site, I am using I.E to get it here, Safari just can't hack it anymore but with I.E everytime I login it pops up that windows has shut down as there is a problem with the site.

I've not had this problem before either.

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Message POP UPS 
sorry, but i don't believe Safari is the issue. Others I have talked to are having similar problems and they are not on Macs. I have done everything admin and Alan have suggested but nothing has changed. Still can't upload any more pics. Keeps saying im using the wrong format, yet I sent my pic to a friend who reformatted it 3 times on windows and im still not allowed to upload it. Also still my cam will not work in here, have gone over settings in chat and with mods. These issues are not due to the fact that I'm on a Mac. And i feel admin is not addressing the issue. Sorry Wetchick don't agree with you about Safari not being able to hack it in here. Apple makes state of the art computers just as Microsoft, etc does.


ty for trying to help Alan, much appreciated. xxxxs

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Agreed with the popups.. I figured out it was because of cookie issues and security 'incognito' issues.. but, i get it every single time i visit the site once... (the red live cam window).. I have reverted to using some filter rules to filter them out because they got so annoying..

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A good add on for those who use firefox is called Adblock Plus it gets rid of all the banners and such. You can download it at http://adblockplus.org/en/

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Yuvutu does a very good job with balancing advertising that they need against pissing off their visitors.

If you feel you are experiencing excessive pop-ups, then consider that your computer may be compromised by adware, spyware or some other sort of malware. Investing in good protection is worth the price. I don't know what's available on MacOS X, but for Windows XP or higher you should consider Windows Security Essentials at the very least. It's free and basic, but it does an excellent job. Other great programs to consider are AdAware and SuperAntiSpyware, both available for free.

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