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In-person event
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Message In-person event 
Have you given any thought to having an in-person event for members and visitors? There are a number of ways to achieve such a task. First, you could assess where your greatest visitor/membership visitation is located. Second, poll for interest level. You could also arrange to have an event that offered differing levels of participation to help assure anonymity, as well as an opportunity for those interested to take things to the next level.


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As an international site I think that's highly improbable... we are all in so many places around the world. Some of us have tried to arrange meets... but with no success. It usually works on a more intimate basis ... like 1-2-1... bigger groups would be a logistical nightmare... unfortunately


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Message Dating 
I will like to date people that live close to my Location Members from yuvutu , But I think the website needs to be more popular ..Dating will be cool , or International phone call sex body can be kind of fun

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