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Too many duplicate & triplicate postings
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Message Too many duplicate & triplicate postings 
I truely enjoy your site and didn't want to put this comment down as a complaint; but I've noted that you could really streamline and make your site look more professional if you would just get rid of those double and triple postings of the same video's. They're taking up too much space on your website. I assume all it would take would be someone from your staff just to review what's being posted (which I assume you're already doing) and filter through the duplicates. I would imagine that out of 100 pages of posting you might be able to get rid of 15 pages or more worth of duplicate postings. I hope this comment helps and,once again, thank you for a terrific site. Best wishes to the staff.

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Message duplicates 
It is a problem we are trying to address. We do in fact reject many videos that have already been posted, but some still get through the net.

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I don't think some members deliberately set out to double post, I think it's more a process of the system for approving videos. For instance, I post up 12 videos, and have no feedback, or any way of checking, as to what videos are waiting approval on the system. I may not realise that I have already posted a video!

Just a thought

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I don't think some members deliberately set out to double post, I think it's more a process of the system for approving videos. For instance, I post up 12 videos, and have no feedback, or any way of checking, as to what videos are waiting approval on the system. I may not realise that I have already posted a video!

Just a thought

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