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chatroom pests
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Message chatroom pests 
What can we do about pests in the chatroom that refuse to obey the rules? like dollarman who ruins it for everyone?

thanks in advance

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Message Things to do 
Firstly "Block" them

If the person is abusive, take a screen shot and email it to us (y u v u t u @ g m a i l.c o m).

Or just send us an email complaining about the person.

If we receive 2 or 3 email complaints or one incriminating screenshot, we will ban the person.

We also plan to be appointing moderators soon.

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hands up to be a moderator!!! Very Happy What ALM was referring to was dollarmen insulting the women, offering 10,000 dollars to show things etc etc. Just being aggrevating. Also admin, is there anything we can do about the rules in the english speaking room? Last night we was in there and more than 50% of the users were speaking none english, we understand this site is about diversity and not everybody can speak english etc, but surely then they shud stay in the lobby or in their own room... becuase the other languages just fill the screen up and u cant keep up with what the english speakers are writing.... its easy to block one or 2, but much more difficult to block 20 or 25 people when they always come and go. Also, any update on the friend reuest option, where pople have to actually request to be your friend before adding you?! Its still causing prolems with IMS you see...?? Sorry to moan admin, you do a great job already!! Thanks xx

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Message Chat room.... 
i think the chat would be greatly improved if the following rules were applied.

to use chat you either need to have video's uploaded.....or be a subscriber ...simple as that.

Think enforcing this would stop alot of the trolling behaviour..

Please consider this ...Thanks


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Message Disagree 
I disagree Jelly, I dont have vids uploaded nor do i have the money to subscribe, and I cause no harm to anybody.

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Message kimmy 
you are an exception to the rule sweetheart.... :D

I was just trying to think of an answer to the probs caused in chat...and personally don't think it should be a free for all thing..more a bonus for contributing to the site in some way.

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I agree with Kimmy Iam not a subscriber nor do I have vids uploaded but I treat all the ladies here with respect.
I like the idea of moderators

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Message chatroom pests 
Jellybrenda ... that's a little unfair to those who don't subscribe or have vids uploaded. I have vids, but I can't afford to subscribe. I love the chatroom, but Straight English should mean just that ... English speakers only. There are enough rooms for people who speak other languages.

Do your best Admin.


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Message thanks JB 
Ok Jelly, Thank you. Was upset for a while there. x

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I agree and disagree with Brenda, there´s something needed to do, but paying for the service won´t fix the problem, someone like dollarman could pay the fee and then ruin the chat, and what a face will i have if after i pay my fee, i get same result???.

A moderator in the chatrooms would be the best opt. but that´s hard to find....

Good luck admin...you´ll need it.

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Message Re: Chat room.... 
[quote="JellyBrenda"]i think the chat would be greatly improved if the following rules were applied.

to use chat you either need to have video's uploaded.....or be a subscriber ...simple as that.

Think enforcing this would stop alot of the trolling behaviour..

Please consider this ...Thanks

Miss.Jelly.xxx[/quote]I think that is a totally untenable idea firstly not everyone wants to post vids, secondly people go on cam but don't post vids but we still enjoy them, thirdly non subscribers have restrictions anyway and fourthly that would take out a huge proportion of users who post third party vids like wendymast who is popular the rules on here are not adhered to as close as they should, but heyyyy thats why god gave us the block button cheers

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Message I like Jellys Idea 
I dont see a problem with jellys idea either, If ya got vids posted BINGO yer in, if you subscribe BINGO yer in...It would do away with alotta pests. Seems like they are coming out of the woodwork lately. The mods idea is nice too as long as we dont get ppl who are completely anal about whats goin on in the room (you know what I mean when I say anal you pervs) lol

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Message Re: I like Jellys Idea 
A_Buck_Fuddy a écrit:
I dont see a problem with jellys idea either, If ya got vids posted BINGO yer in, if you subscribe BINGO yer in...It would do away with alotta pests. Seems like they are coming out of the woodwork lately. The mods idea is nice too as long as we dont get ppl who are completely anal about whats goin on in the room (you know what I mean when I say anal you pervs) lol
I've been in chatrooms 14 years trust me id don't work

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Message Pests 
I go on cam, i'm a subscriber cos of my vids, but i maintain that the chat room should remain open to all. We have had terrible trouble with people in the chat room insulting us for being on cam, ordering us around and very often criticising the fact that we are not talking or showing things of an 'adult' nature. We come here to have fun, the regs are all friendly and we mean no harm to anyone, however all we require is that a little respect is shown in the english speaking room, we can all name the usual suspects, often a nightly occurance.
We have enough respect that we do not go in the other rooms and speak english in there, we just expect the same from others.
As for the friends thing, i agree with all, please implement something that enables us to vet the requests before they add us, as the IM pests are reoccuring.
But all in all we have great fun on the site and for the most part its great!!!!

noth xx

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I'm not a subscriber, nor do I have any videos.
I think what needs to happen is that we need to have room moderators.
A few mods from every time zone and what not.
We do get trolls and we do get people that are just extremely inappropriate.
We need these types of people gone immediately. Nip that shit in the butt.

That should help out at least. I agree with Arse. Chat room should be open to all.
IMO I think it's great yuvutu posts those rules up in the chatroom.
I keep saying I've been here for ages, but there's always room for improvement.
Either way, I'll still be chatting here. But you can only do so much w/o having the capabilities as an actual room moderator. There are a few people in there that would be great at being a chat mod, including myself. ;)

JellyB does make a good point, but to be honest, I've been chatting in there since day one. Making me subscribe just so I can still chat in the room, doesn't sit well with me. I do get on cam as well, but that's about it. AH, and I have my blogs.


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