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Issues watching video's
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Message Issues watching video's 
I am not sure what has changed, but about a month ago I could not get to the site anymore. Then it seemed to pop back up, but ever since then I have not been able to play any video's or have the intial page fully load. I have noticed a great deal of additional features added to the site and I am trying to figure out if certain system requirements have popped up? Is there any new application incompatability, has a MS upgrade caused some sort of freak issue?


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Message Try this 
Try lowering the security setting in your browser to medium-high or medium (I am guessing that it is set on high)

To do that:
1. click on "Tools/Internet Option/Security"
2. Pull the lever down
3. click on "apply"

If you are still having problems, contact admin using the "feedback" link at the top of the page.

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Message player issue 
I am not sure what has changed, but about a month ago I could not get to the site anymore. Then it seemed to pop back up, but ever since then I have not been able to play any video's or have the intial page fully load. I have noticed a great deal of additional features added to the site and I am trying to figure out if certain system requirements have popped up? Is there any new application incompatability, has a MS upgrade caused some sort of freak issue?


I have the same Problem. Ok, i run an old PC with Win98 but i never had the issue before. I ran all win recommended updates and now no video plays. I even un and re-installed flash player etc. Security settin did not hel. even on low.

I there any news about this issue?

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