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Profile viewing
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Message Profile viewing 
Didnt know where to put this one, and it is really more tech support, but have just gone to vista from xp, and now when in the chat room i can not view profiles, wondering if anyone knows why or a way round it, and no it isnt anything to do with my pop up settings, as who's online etc all work fine, anyway any help would be good, still learning to drive vista

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BB, take a look in Complaints, the Profiles thread ... think you'll find your answer there.

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Cheers Bear :)

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Message Welch Sie besucht mich? 
Suche nette Sie, die mit mir wichst! Komme aus Lemgo! leonhawk@live.de Laughing

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It is a bug in the latest version of Adobe Flash (version 9.0.124). You will need to uninstall it and install an older version (I'm currently using 9.0.47). Adobe only makes older versions available in one large download (this one is 99MB), you will have to download this .zip file, open it and unpack the version you want to install. And if any website prompts you to upgrade your version of Flash, you will need to decline or cancel it.


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