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pool party
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Message pool party 
My husband and I was invited to a pool party, the drinks were flowing it got chilly when the sun went down, I grabbed a drink and headed to the hot tub it was full my nipples were hard as a rock, I stepped down and one of the guys grabbed my hand and sat me on his lap he said his name was Jim he said you look cold, the hot water felt good my one piece suit was high cut and barely covered my nipples on top we had nice conversation I told him my husband was in the pool the shots were flowing, as we were talking I could feel his cock getting hard, against my butt, I could tell he had a big cock he kissed my neck and I pushed my crotch against him I looked around and some were making out he slid his finger inside my suit I loved being fingered, I reached down and got his big cock and started playing it felt so big in my hands eventually I slid my suit to the side and told him to fuck me! I didn’t care who was watching his cock felt so big it was stretching me we finally he started cumming and filling me up we kissed passionately for a little bit and I slid off to go find my husband!

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