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Message blogs 
not really a complaint, more an inquiry...

i want to post a blog but i can't seem to do it with paragraphs or new lines, it all comes out on one contnuous line... tried copying and pasting from Word but no good. Any ideas?

A passion for destruction is also a CREATIVE passion!
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Message blogs 
hey keys m8
i have the same problem in yuvu, word done from vista is the same, but if i use word from xp seems to be ok

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do each paragraph as a new blog

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not sure if this is relevant but i dont get the option to Bold, Underline or Italicise any more....

bellies = too many paragraphs!

A passion for destruction is also a CREATIVE passion!
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Wow multiple paragraphs! know what i mean, nudge nudge, wink wink

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keyser, I have the same problem if I use IE, but Firefox is fine. what are you using?

Lying is cheap, but honesty costs nothing
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pfft you have no blog hush with your complaint :P

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forget using word, it is full of hidden formats which screws things up. try typing directly.

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well now there is a solution, don't use the most popular word processing software. and if it won't accept the letters a, e, s, t, r, n, and l, take them off the keyboard and type without them. of co u s you m ss g wou d com ou ooki g ik hi !!!

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yuvutu is really ***** me off.

Every time I upload a vid, Pierre (whatever) recategorizes the vids and then burries it somewhere where it gets NO exposure, like the first page you ger when you log on to yuvutu.

I upload 2 vids every 6 months, and have enough views to have a "subscriber" membership.

I would like to thank everyone for thier comments and support, however, it seems like the yuvutu heirarchy picks and chooses participating members based on content whether or not the member has content that could result in enough views to receive a subscriber status.

I have exchanged emails with the heirarchy concerning this matter and was told that I would be subjected to some harassing comments. I speak only english and other than a couple of film critics, I have had nothing but complementary comments.

It is sad that I must leave yuvutu, thank the people that operate the site.

Sadfully Bye to everyone


I'll leave my new vid up for a few days.

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