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can anyone help
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Message can anyone help 
hi all,having problems at the moment with movies and pics when i select any nothing is coming up in the box as normall,have updated explorer and flash,still no joy.
can anyone give me some tips to sort it please

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Have you tried totally un-installing your flash player and re-installing?

Uninstall, run a disc clean up and then re-install. If you need help to do this or are unsure how to do it,post and ask someone will reply with guidance for you.

It's worth a shot, if it doesn't work contact admin via the feedback link and give them details of what system you are running,what version of IE you are using and also flash, they will try and help you.

Hope this helps

Jelly x

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Message Loading errors for flash objects 
Yes, I wrote a topic on how to fix flash loading errors and other errors in this post:


If it still won't work, send me a PM and I'll see what I can do to help out k.

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