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Who Wants The Old Chat Back
Go back to the old chat format (userplane)

yes 77% 77% ( 64 )
no 22% 22% ( 19 )

Total des votes : 83
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Message Who Wants The Old Chat Back 
I've stayed quiet as long as I could. Just about every user I talked to from the beginning of the new chat format was unhappy with it. I have kept an open mind, thinking that we would all get used to the new layout and it's quirks, but the truth is that the new format sucks..

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Message Re: Who Wants The Old Chat Back 
OC a écrit:
I've stayed quiet as long as I could. Just about every user I talked to from the beginning of the new chat format was unhappy with it. I have kept an open mind, thinking that we would all get used to the new layout and it's quirks, but the truth is that the new format sucks..

ya broo .. it sucks .. big time .. and i hope yuvu will fixed it soon ..

All the ways of my life
I´d rather be with you .
There´s no way
Without you
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Message It's Broken And Needs To Be Fixed 
I agree, the "Chat" is broken and something needs to be done to correct it. I personally don't have a problem with the new format as much as the problems which have come with it. Such as not being able to log on, losing whispers for a period of time, not being able to PM, not being able to close someone's video feed without leaving the room, etc. If yuvutu is working on correcting some of these problems, great, let us know. If not, I have to agree with OC.

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hum ... I like the new chat .. but if the only way to get in chat is to reinstall the old chat, I vote "yes".

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Message The old chat had its quirks but more mingling was happening 
I am with OC because it appears we have lost some regulars and I am not sure if its because of the new chat. I did like the idea of going to different rooms because other rooms were filled. That actually made you meet more people, different people and they were chatting more. This venue you have 125 or more people and its hard to keep up or at least participate in the chatting. I am convinced people are more intimidated with all the people in the room. That's my 2 cents.

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Message count me in 
i agree... as a women im not keen camming in a room that has 125 in and half are trolls... i liked the idea of the smaller overflow rooms and yes people chatted more... and hows a gal supposed to get a eyefull if the bloody cams keep going pooffffffffffffffff. seriously tho ive noticed familar faces coming here less and i find that im coming here less too.. FIX IT pleaseeeeeeeeee

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Message been semi away 
Old chat was good except lag and login issues at times. This new chat could be good if cam's can not be watched from out of room , cams stayed on longer that 10 mins, and this damn login issue could be fixed!!!!!! you may have lost a few people because of not having PM's but, if you would fix it to where the person requesting had to be someone already agreed to by the individual it would be great and PM's could come back. just like old chat lady's hide on line status because all the unwanted IM's because they could not accept or reject someone from being added as a friend. These issues have all been brought up many times over and never acted on. I truly hope something can be done with new chat or sorry to say lets go back to the old.

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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Message bring back the old please. 
Tonight is a perfect example. Chat is inaccessible. "'Logging in" seems to be my permanent state these days. But aside from not being able to get in, the rooms themselves are less inviting. Chat is my main reason for being in yuvu. But when 100+ people are in a room it feels too big. I rarely turn my cam on now because there are too many people. With the smaller room sizes I felt more secure (could have been a false sense of security but it worked for me). I feel exposed and vulnerable the way it is now. I want my old chat back as well as the friends who have drifted away because of new chat.

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Message Re: bring back the old please. 
[quote="lisabnn"]Tonight is a perfect example. Chat is inaccessible. "'Logging in" seems to be my permanent state these days. But aside from not being able to get in, the rooms themselves are less inviting. Chat is my main reason for being in yuvu. But when 100+ people are in a room it feels too big. I rarely turn my cam on now because there are too many people. With the smaller room sizes I felt more secure (could have been a false sense of security but it worked for me). I feel exposed and vulnerable the way it is now. I want my old chat back as well as the friends who have drifted away because of new chat.[/quote]

Thanks for putting down words that I couldn't Lisa. We have lost too many of the people that made the chatroom what it was. It's not to late to do something but we are getting there.

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Message There's a difference between 
"new chat sucks" vs. "new chat experiencing technical problems".

Personally, I love the new chat for taking some of the cliquey "friends only" feel from the rooms - the old system of 40-user limited rooms meant there were times where there was one room which everyone was trying to get into (to perv), and you'd have 2/3/4 "overflow" rooms where nobody would be chatting at all. Or the alternative, where there would be a room of 40 friends who would make newcomers feel unwelcome.

The old chat was laggy, and buggy as shit, and also spent days where you couldn't log in. This indicates there's more of a hardware problem than anything else.

Since the new chat came in, I've seen a lot more new people in chat, a lot more camming, and a lot more sex.

If someone's left because they can't PM, then I can only say: if you were that desperate to PM you'd use MSN or something similar (which is no more difficult to hide if you're attempting not to get caught). Chat is a public place, and that's the way it should stay. If you can't say it in the public room, then why say it at all?

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Some valid points made by most!

I agree with Hairs.. It is experiencing technical difficulties BUT its a new format the only thing that sucks for me is when the cams keep going off. (and tonight is the first time I have been unable to log in) sometimes userplane would take 10 mins to load up for me.

I still prefer the new chat I think the pros outweigh the cons and it has more pros than the old chat did.

The updates seemed to have worked for most, I certainly am not losing my box anymore and have the choice to see whispers or private chats.

The whole thing is still in its infancy we could be sitting on the best chat program ever made, lets just give it some more time.

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JellyBrenda a écrit:
I certainly am not losing my box anymore


That's because I told you to look for the wet spot silly Wink

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Ya know this is slippery buttttt Ill toss in my 2 cents ne ways. I liked the old chat becuz it was reliable, sure it had sum lag issues at times but that was about it.

That being said I do like the new chat also, BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!! The bugs NEED to be worked out, Ill Highlight a few I can think of.

1) The rooms are too daym big
2) on a buzy night lag is worse then in the old chat.
2) When buzy the voice in the new room is so choppy you can only catch about every 3rd word said.
3) Can we agree on how many cams we can have? 1 night its 2 then 3 then 6, lets pick a number n stay with it
4) The cams keep resetting
5) Being able to dock cams to the side of the screen would be fucking SWEEEET!!!!!!! So its not covering up the text.
6) The rooms are too daym big
7) I am all for having whispers BUT there needs to be a way to stop those gawd daymed pms from coming thru if not just get rid of the fuckers all together.
Cool The rooms are too daym big

Ok that looks like a long list but really its not. Like I said I really like the new chat layout and would like to keep it but those bugs need to be worked out, I dont know whats involved in setting sumthing like this up or if its even possible...If it is I vote keep the new, if its not I vote go back to the old.

I am A_BUCK_FUDDY and I approve this message.

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Bring the old chat room back!

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Message I can go either way... 
Here's what I miss about the ye olde chat, user plane-

The ability to create rooms for other people (Mods perspective)
I do miss the 40 cap for each room.... I know I complained about in the past, but I really do miss having a few lobbies and Straight English rooms.
Having the ability to click on links displayed in chat

Here's what I don't miss about user plane-

The ads on the bottom of chat
Getting redirected because of those ads
Some of the ads contained viruses
The lag caused by tons of users in chat/and the ads

Here's what I like about the new chat set up-

The ability to dock more cams
Lot's of different font styles & colors to choose from
You can enlarge cams (wink wink nudge nudge)
NO MAS ads!

Here's what I don't like about the new set up-

The "all users" box disappears
The cams getting turned off due to server issues

I do feel as though we have lost maybe half of the chatters we use to have.

Both chat systems have their pros and cons.. TBH, I think if there's an issue in chat, that those users message the admin via the feedback button. That way they can keep track of the amount of complaints that this site has gotten.

ALL IN ALL you can't make everyone happy 100 percent of the time. Maybe the admin can tweak/fix some of the issues we are having with the new chat? I wish we could add some of the cons of user plane with the new chat site :/

Just my input..

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