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Should I have sex with another man
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Message Should I have sex with another man 
Hi, just wanted some opinions from people. My husband wants me to have sex with other men, and I think I'd like to. I'm always fantasising about being with other men, and I know I'd enjoy it. But here's the problem: we only ever talk about it when we're having sex. He's adament that he really wants me to do it, and even asks me to sleep with someone without telling him, and only let him know afterwards with pics/videos. But I don't know if he's only saying it because he's "in the mood" and if I really did it, would it hurt him? I've asked him at other times and he still says he'd like it, but then that could just be because he's "in the mood" (as men usually are). I think I'd really like to do it, but I just don't know. I'm just not convinced that he really means it. Any opinions/suggestions that can help would be really appreciated. Thanks x.

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Message With another man 
Of course you should have sex with another man - me :wink: Seriously (and that was a bit serious :) my wife and I talk about sex with other people when we're in a sexy mood, and that is normaly when we are going to have, are having, or have had sex, not while we are doing the washing up. I think you need to know that he would be ok with you meeting a hunk with a 10" cock who could make love to you for 5 hours and leave you with a smile on your face for 6 months (not me BTW!). If your sex life together is good, and he's really ok about things, and you want to, then do it. Also maybe think about how you would feel about him with another woman. If you want to talk, pm me xx

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Message Quite agree 
Definately agree. You should be able to talk about it anytime of the day if it really is something he is serious about. I can quite understand him getting turned on by the thought of you being taken by someone else, but again it might only be the rush talking and not his real emotions. Also, ask yourself if you really, really want to have sex with another man and whether or not you would be doing it more for him than for you. If it's more for him, you'll never be ahppy with yourself for doing it and that'll put a wedge between you both. Definately talk about it OUTSIDE of sex. Don't let the rush of sexual exitement colour your' decisions. Make them in the cold hard light of day and you'll both be sure then.

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Is it the idea of you having sex with some one else turning him on or does he really want you to. Don't go jumping into bed with anyone just yet talk about it. Tell him you have sleep with a trade man (i.e window cleaner, milkman) when he was at work and see how he reacts if he wants to know all about it then your ok if he goes mad and hit the roof just tell him it was a lie and it's not a good idea to sleep with other people. pm if you need more help.

life is to have fun so i\'m planning to live alot!
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Message Other Men 
Good advise, but I wouldn't risk saying you already have. He might not believe you when you tell him you made it up afterwards!

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Message an idea? 
is it just an idea or something more tangible?
is it only talked about as an aid to fun sex or do you talk about it at other times aswell?
if you do decide to go ahead with this then i would advise you to do it together virtually every step of the way.
go on some sites, pick the guy between you, and even to the point of being ready to meet and going out the door, check again if he is sure, then and only then, go out and have fun
even if he decides not to do it again after, you have tried your best to let him back out at any time

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i have talked about this with my fiancee she loves the idea but when it comes down to the nitty gritty its all talk. ..


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Message fantasy 
Fantasies are great. They can really lend to hot sex. But sometimes it's best for them to be left fantasies. The reality of sex outside a loving relationship may not be as great as it seems--there are performance issues, STD issues, and sex outside of commitment can be very cruel. The letdown and shame after sex isn't fun to deal with.

But it really does make a great fantasy! Go ahead and dream about it, even make plans. Visualize it and talk it through. If you want it to become reality, do it safely over a webcam.

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Message Re: fantasy 
[quote="polcam"]Fantasies are great. They can really lend to hot sex. But sometimes it's best for them to be left fantasies. [/quote]

Hi, thanks for all the responses - you've really helped me to clear this up in my mind. I think what polcam, and others, have said is right. It is fun to fantasise and talk about it, but there's too much to lose if it goes wrong. We can always have fun with webcam sex if we decide to do something about it :wink:. Thanks again for the advice x.

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Message practise 
fingermouse if you want to practise playing away online please pm me, happy to let you have a first attempt with me, lol

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Message My thoughts 
I would definitely recommend against doing it without his knowledge and then just slapping the video or pictures down on the table and saying "Check this out!" Not a good game plan! If you both want to experience the alternative lifestyle of swinging, that's different. It's something you both would need to feel comfortable with and with people you would feel comforable with. Sex stirs up lots of emotions, so just be careful it doesn't mess up a good marriage. After all, it's a few hours of pleasure verses a marriage, so tread carefully.

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