Nice Tight Pussy

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01 min 03 sec
one of my playmates debbie giving me a good fucking! she loves it on top, and her pussy is so tight!!!
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Posté par: remtii66a dans 2007-10-07 17:54:09
Very nice vid. Can't tell how tight it is but it sure does look pretty. Nice cum shot.
Posté par: marko7t4 dans 2007-10-07 20:03:10
It doesnt sound like she loves it, until she started wanking you off I thought the vid had not sound
Posté par: Anonyme dans 2007-10-07 22:20:08
So where are you STEALING these vids from? Every women is different in them and I have seen several on the web for many years. You have just been reported fro posting vids that are not yours. :)
Posté par: szmadders dans 2007-10-09 16:43:01
The video is pretty decent but, it is never the same guy or gal in any of your videos. And why do none of the women ever make any sounds? Are they not enjoying it? Specially if you say that the pussy is very tight.
Posté par: Anonyme dans 2016-02-01 15:42:36
I love to watch my wife getting fucked like this! I can lick het pussy and clit while shes got a big thick cock fucking her pussy! she loves bareback and getting filled full of cum!
Posté par: Anonyme dans 2016-07-07 13:29:54
I want to watch my wife being fucked by a stranger with a big thick cock like this! we talk about it a lot when we are playing and it gets her so wet and horny! and when she starts telling me she wants to feel it inside her stretching her pussy its amazing! she looks me straight in the eye and tells me she wants a big fucking cock inside her and wants to cum all over it as she feels him filling her with cum!