mutual masturbation

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00 min 21 sec
A guy friend and I masturbating together and he cums on me
Masturb. mutuelle
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Posté par: larry69 dans 2007-12-15 14:46:43
Got to see the rest
Posté par: clean_shaven dans 2007-12-15 15:48:09
that was/is so sexy :-)
Posté par: roadhouse dans 2007-12-15 17:02:51
Nice Kitty play...As the saying goes..."if ya want something done right...ya gotta do it yourself!" Although I'm quite certain there are times he gets around to seeing about his sexy lady and her amazing Hot Spread!
Posté par: dlm dans 2007-12-24 06:35:03
I am very turned on by a guy and girl enjoying each other's masturbation touch. I love this short movie!!! MORE please!!
Posté par: adirondackman45 dans 2008-03-25 20:39:35
So nice of you to perform for you DOM, I assume he is your Master as you were very submissive in your actions. Nice job!
Posté par: tman0299 dans 2009-01-25 08:38:44
Your vids are great. Ever consider doing one with the enema? Would love to see it if you do.
Posté par: stubawdi1 dans 2009-03-25 14:44:02
like that a lot!!!
Posté par: pajoe dans 2011-01-11 19:10:01
That was so hot, loved the cum on your pussy. MY GF and I do that a lot and I always lick the cum off her pussy.
Posté par: organmus dans 2012-05-18 19:30:59
extremly hot...hmmmm
Posté par: mickydeenyc dans 2014-11-03 04:35:30
Thanks for sharing this one! You're so cool about him cumming on you, you really got me off! Hugs!
Posté par: 99money dans 2014-12-03 19:52:37
Good one!!!!
Posté par: bilbus01 dans 2016-04-14 04:32:32
I'd love to stroke my cock with you
Posté par: organmus dans 2016-08-14 11:46:07
One of the best videos....sooooo hot!
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