Counter talks about sex, masturbation, her pussy and orgasms. -1min15

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01 min 15 sec
One in a series of interviews about masturbation and self pleasure, the questions are asked by a young couple and sometimes their female friend. The questions are candid and the answers are truthful and very sexy.
Masturb. féminine
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Posté par: Anonyme dans 2006-10-26 04:50:08
what a fuck is this shet?? what is she traing to do?? climb?? or what?? i' lose mi time
Posté par: Anonyme dans 2007-05-10 20:41:08
What is she on?
Posté par: Anonyme dans 2007-05-24 06:36:43
es que no puedes calentarte con el lavamanos argentina tenia que ser la caliente de mierda por que no te veni pa aca en verano y te encontrai con un buen pene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posté par: Anonyme dans 2007-07-10 17:59:25
a load of pure chit shat!!!!!!!!!! talk tae yerself hen eh.
Posté par: Anonyme dans 2007-08-01 21:45:24
NO es argentina no vez que no habla en castellano cuando habren la puerta
Posté par: Anonyme dans 2007-09-08 07:10:57
is it a joke?? òó
Posté par: parejamadridsex dans 2007-10-10 17:44:57
es, con mucho, la forma mas rara que he visto en toda mi vida de hacerse una paja....... en fin......
Posté par: Anonyme dans 2007-11-24 07:59:15
It's true. When I was younger, I did this. Literally, it's humping. I wonder why she did this on a counter, when it's a lot more pleasurable on a corner of a counter... It's a form of female masturbation, and a lot of girls who have a need to masturbate but don't want to penetrate do this. It's a form of masturbation that puts pressure on her clitoris through humping. I used to do it, and believe a lot of girls do this in their younger years.