you don't always have to do it hard

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03 min 37 sec
easy sunday morning
Gros plan
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Posté par: horse812 dans 2008-08-31 14:00:34
great vid. love the music. who sings that song? please send to thanks
Posté par: geewhizz dans 2008-08-31 15:13:46
Yes good music and a nice ride!
Posté par: jc1200 dans 2008-08-31 15:16:43
That was erotic...definitely turned me on. and yeah, what song is that? I wanna download it.
Posté par: netillo dans 2008-08-31 15:43:31
thats a great video, excellent LOVE MAKING, congrats to both of you, keep it up.....
Posté par: sweetpickles dans 2008-08-31 16:02:20
very nice....keep up the gr8t vids. Just like everyone else.....gotta know that song!!! send me any info please....
Posté par: kkismet dans 2008-08-31 16:15:23
is by Iron & Wine. They're AMAZING musicians. It's called "Evening on the Ground (Lilith's Song). Also, you guys are really fucking beautiful. Keep it up (er...hahah?) :-) Kaya
Posté par: eagerpleaser65 dans 2008-08-31 18:27:14
What a hot vid, love those dolphin blue panties and certainly the body that occupied them. You two seem to be in love, and I think that's great. Nice session, and for the hot female, beautiful hair and a toned body.
Posté par: clemenza dans 2008-08-31 21:28:58
she has a great body,perfect!
Posté par: tomka dans 2008-08-31 22:15:51
That song fitted excellent to such a lazy sunday morning fuck. Well done!
Posté par: stmary dans 2008-09-01 02:00:00
beautiful,perfect pussy,loved it all,keep them coming.
Posté par: stmary dans 2008-09-01 02:02:03
perfect shaved pussy,loved it. let have more
Posté par: xx561 dans 2008-09-02 07:32:51
What a hot video! Wish I could see faces, but i guess it's more erotic (it'd be a nice finish though). liked the iron and wine soundtrack
Posté par: prokofjew dans 2008-09-04 05:36:54
this ain't a video... this is ART !
Posté par: bokassa dans 2008-10-02 11:17:04
so nice....more
Posté par: horny50 dans 2008-10-06 21:01:33
Can she fuck!!!
Posté par: jamieuk dans 2008-10-06 22:18:11
very nice indeed
Posté par: alli69 dans 2008-10-26 04:08:46
Excellent, hope to see many more from you!
Posté par: nevelle dans 2009-03-13 02:48:11
Wow great fuck... lovely shaved pussy...
Posté par: pokehernow6921 dans 2010-07-11 04:08:16
nice video and thanks for sharing
Posté par: 99money dans 2018-06-11 23:07:44
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