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03 min 30 sec
Hot wife bange by lucky black cock check out full video at join the members area!!
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Posté par: texasmib dans 2009-09-03 13:49:19
That Guy is toooooo Fat to Fuck her, that's why she has to ride him.
Posté par: blackarrowlondon dans 2009-09-03 14:09:57
............but she rode him good tho'. Hell, she can ride me, anytime!!!
Posté par: joecool_501 dans 2009-09-03 17:13:42
Loved the way she wiggled that fine ass so she could get his cock in all her right spots. Love to have been there and ass fucked her at the same time.
Posté par: strokin4u2c dans 2009-09-03 18:53:00
She's hot, built for comfort. Look at that big round ass of hers.
Posté par: moparkid dans 2009-09-03 19:08:04
Nothing says America like 2 fat ass slobs...
Posté par: goodsex101 dans 2009-09-03 20:34:27
I would love to take her for a ride, or have her ride me! She is thick in ALL the right places, and knows how to use a gorgeous set of legs and a fat ass! Love the way that ass moves while she fucks!
Posté par: coyoteblutwurst dans 2009-09-06 12:40:02
looked to my like a funny cartoon: Who framed Roger Rabbit!!! lol
Posté par: derkdiggler dans 2009-09-08 09:46:00
when are them babys due ?
Posté par: robnh dans 2009-09-08 11:22:47
Shes HOT HOT HOT ,good looking ,great legs ,beautiful ASS ,so sweet ,and loves to cuck you,thats a good wife ,but hubby get her a real man ! this guy cant even stay on top of her ,what a beer belly.Shes a very sexy woman get her a nice looking white guy,plenty of them have big cocks
Posté par: gaston1763 dans 2011-08-30 17:19:17
hermosa mina!!!!
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