chris down at his house this time

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04 min 47 sec
took her down to his house to get a good seeing too.
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Posté par: just_a_dad dans 2010-03-23 21:56:32
Great action and camera work!
Posté par: oldnik33 dans 2010-03-23 22:08:25
That sure was a good seeing to
Posté par: merliner dans 2010-03-24 07:47:17
Posté par: seamed-stockings dans 2010-03-24 12:24:36
So good to see you both enjoying the fun of sharing Brian and Chris and you are indeed a very wet and willing wife Chris…and a stunning body that really does need to be fucked as hard and as long as possible. I’ve loved your video clips especially when your dressed for sex in black stockings…. where are those ‘CFM’ high heels babe. Now I’d love to see you getting so in tune with what your doing that you enjoy the pleasure of ‘’squirting’ when you climax. That will happen one day and you’ll never want for any other type of orgasm every again. Paul xx
Posté par: Anonyme dans 2010-03-24 13:06:27
bonne salope, mais helas monsieur a une petite queue
Posté par: bigjok dans 2010-03-26 21:31:54
amazing, loved how long the vid was, more please
Posté par: kinky1978ad dans 2010-04-14 07:11:45
This is by far the best video Brian and Chris have done, She is so hot, wish it was me fucking her
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