Kati's first movie

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38 min 32 sec
Me (Kati) with a new friend after finding the bonuses to singles dating sites and finding someone equally as dirty as me, and although he had a cold, willing to try and make me scream in all the right ways for my first video. hopefully the first of many and excuse the camera angle his hands were busy and no cameraman, lol
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Posté par: big4skin dans 2010-05-04 12:30:58
What can one say,great hot vid
Posté par: littlebill dans 2010-05-04 13:04:51
I would love to be your cameraman!! This is a hot vid, but I could make it a whole lot better!
Posté par: 9soccer9 dans 2010-05-05 01:58:31
Great first vid. Hope there are more to cum. You remind me of my wife. Go check out our vids.
Posté par: Anonyme dans 2010-05-05 07:28:53
wow, your gorgeous. I would love to spend some time giving you pleasure. What dating sites did you meet up on ?
Posté par: spankingman dans 2010-05-05 07:48:49
You looked great in the stockings. The video looks really natural and the camera work was just fine. I think he should have had his mouth between your legs way before he did though.
Posté par: sally_puss dans 2010-06-25 23:16:22
I enjoyed watching that vid...looks like you both had a really good time.
Posté par: ilovebiggirls dans 2010-07-01 10:24:30
I do hope its not your last! If you want a hand making more....
Posté par: harpo395 dans 2010-07-04 06:21:28
nice to see a natural woman.
Posté par: locojim dans 2012-07-07 20:38:04
You did very well in your choice of a patner. You were sexy and desirable. Please, on your next vid, please enter the scene on the other side of the bed. You have a lovely bum, but your expressions during foreplay would have been a great addtion. Thanks to you both!
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