A cunning linguist

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06 min 50 sec
A little oral sex fun
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Posté par: Anonyme dans 2011-05-30 21:26:49
Nice job. I give you full marks and extra credit for creative use of the nose. Sexy man, great technique.
Posté par: i12 dans 2011-05-30 22:04:09
Posté par: 1983john dans 2011-05-30 23:06:03
give her alot of credit how she moaned her ass off. her pussy looks delicious also. i bet you enjoy eating that cake for desert. enjoy.
Posté par: soul_searcher dans 2011-05-31 06:58:24
Posté par: techeng dans 2011-05-31 18:14:11
Awesome sound
Posté par: quizzickle dans 2011-05-31 20:29:50
a man who shares my passion. good work
Posté par: techeng dans 2012-05-13 22:22:11
great audio
Posté par: just_a_dad dans 2012-12-12 22:43:51
A master of many tongues.
Posté par: caldonia dans 2013-03-15 05:04:34
Could you make another one like this only about an hour long? lol This is awesome! Thanks
Posté par: wollgart dans 2015-11-18 00:22:47
This is really excellent , and it IS very hard not to rub her clitoral area with your nose , which has some very pleasant effects. Fabulous work sir , and she sounds marvellous !"
Posté par: eightincher2 dans 2017-01-14 03:44:59
thanks for the tip....try the 2 fingers up and down rapidly at the pussy entrance,,, it will drive her even crazier and she'll squirt.
Posté par: alina21 dans 2019-11-25 08:27:33
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Posté par: alina21 dans 2020-03-15 00:25:03
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Posté par: sassyme dans 2022-02-15 10:40:36
This is the sound of a woman finding true pleasure
Posté par: 99money dans 2022-02-16 05:20:04
Very well done!!!!!!
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