53 Yr Old MILF - Anal and Cum

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03 min 00 sec
I rarely allow anal....but sometimes.....I still respond to every comment....just give me time!
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Posté par: brandonman dans 2012-09-05 21:03:13
that was so hot I loved seeing your sexy body I like your tits and seeing your hard nipples . I just wish it was me getting to lick and suck your sweet pussy and ass . I got very hard watching this and was cumming all over the place just wish it was me
Posté par: Anonyme dans 2012-09-05 21:05:49
"but sometimes... if the dick is really small... I don´t really care"
Posté par: philsy dans 2012-09-05 21:06:47
I love all your vids, and this one is especially great! Your husband is a lucky man. Thanks again!!
Posté par: sierramist2 dans 2012-09-05 21:07:44
Hot hot hot. Thanks for sharing. Good to see you lovely body again.
Posté par: horny50 dans 2012-09-05 21:08:17
Em you are truly awesome which ever hole you choose for fun.....as my woman says you got to be in the mood for anal...to quote her 'it has to feel comfortable'
Posté par: amigo23444 dans 2012-09-05 21:38:02
Did your husband like it? i don't go there myself but pleasure is what it is all about. Sexy video.
Posté par: sportingwalt dans 2012-09-05 21:43:18
em you are a star -my wife is of similar thoughts
Posté par: ciak99 dans 2012-09-05 22:35:51
You are HOT as always
Posté par: Anonyme dans 2012-09-05 22:47:51
But no way 53....
Posté par: frengo28 dans 2012-09-05 22:55:13
la star e' lui
Posté par: jonzi616 dans 2012-09-05 23:02:16
You are the best! When i come back from overseas I may move to wherever you are! xx Jon
Posté par: addlehytes dans 2012-09-05 23:58:57
why anal when your vagina is so beautiful, I can almost taste the sweetness of it. I would love that honey running down my chin...
Posté par: darknos dans 2012-09-06 00:01:57
Hot hot hot
Posté par: darknos dans 2012-09-06 00:02:05
Hot hot hot
Posté par: Anonyme dans 2012-09-06 03:18:48
she's hot for 53!!! and loves anal. great fuck!!! thaks for sharing
Posté par: nelson100 dans 2012-09-06 05:42:14
y lick and suck your sweet pussy and ass
Posté par: jake2068 dans 2012-09-06 09:30:40
Still looking as good as ever. Love looking at your pussy.
Posté par: ramses2015 dans 2012-09-06 10:45:35
em mmmmmm thanks for sharing
Posté par: hybridsocal dans 2012-09-06 12:53:03
Love all your videos. You are so sexy. Next time hubby wants anal you can invite me. I love a hard cock in my ass pussy. Guys actually enjoy it more because our prostate in our G spot. I would love to be licking your sweet pussy and ass while hubby fucks my ass.
Posté par: dairy2 dans 2012-09-06 18:01:16
sweet vid Em loved it still trying to get wife to do anal. but not just yet getting closer though!
Posté par: Anonyme dans 2012-09-06 18:51:20
I'm starting to like older women!
Posté par: bigplzr dans 2012-09-07 07:19:50
Nice to see a mature, beefy man. Thanks!
Posté par: ma121 dans 2012-09-07 14:16:59
grat vids !!! i really love your vids but this is one of my favourite !!! you're one of the hottest women i've ever seen !! ;) thnaks for showing us !
Posté par: hammerdrill dans 2012-09-08 01:01:42
Long time fan of your vids. this was amazing - I really wish it was me balls deep in oyur ass!
Posté par: mark85 dans 2012-09-08 11:39:24
em, another great video, your body is amazing!!!
Posté par: ckasck dans 2012-09-08 23:59:44
Bice video em!
Posté par: jdk dans 2012-09-10 11:50:01
Thanks EM for opening up. You make me cum. Nice cum. Yum, Yum.
Posté par: Anonyme dans 2012-09-10 18:13:54
Posté par: daewooman dans 2012-09-11 08:04:36
As usual guys HOT.....loved it
Posté par: jimmycx0x dans 2012-09-11 17:54:41
You are so fucking hot!!! Love your vids always!
Posté par: frengo28 dans 2012-09-26 14:24:44
i love you
Posté par: Anonyme dans 2012-09-27 02:25:51
i cum for you
Posté par: douginflausa dans 2012-09-27 09:35:04
I wanna do that for you too! I'd love to cum deep in your ass.
Posté par: Anonyme dans 2012-10-07 09:33:11
do not you like anal sex, but for me it's wonderful. And also You're wonderful
Posté par: Anonyme dans 2013-04-23 06:22:05
superbe ,quelle chance de monter mm ,comme il se doit !
Posté par: canijomxli dans 2013-05-25 18:19:26
more ,more more anal´s videos!!!!!
Posté par: zyne dans 2017-04-05 11:54:47
Nice and hot video... why to accept suddendly anal ?
Posté par: alina21 dans 2019-11-25 08:26:30
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